Cook Hip Lifts

Use this exercise to activate your glutes — which are highly important muscles in having a powerful stride.
- Lie on your back with right knee pulled into your chest and left leg bent 900 with pressure on your heel
- Push through your left heel and bring hips off the ground
- Hold extended position for 5 seconds and reset
- Perform 1 set of 5 reps per side
Single Leg Squats

This is a great exercise to make each leg work independently and develop strength and coordination Wth each leg.
- Standing on one leg, lower your body in a controlled manner to a point where your knee is at or below 900 (you can use a bench or chair to provide a target)
- Staying tall and keeping your knee behind your toes, drive through support leg back to 8 standing position
- Perform 3 sets of 8-12 repsper side, resting 1.’00 between sets
Side Leg Hip Hikes

Hip hikes target tha smaller, stabilizing muscles around your hips, helping you develop a strong stride,
- Standing with left leg on an elevated surface (6-12 inches), drive hips as far to the left as possible.
- Contract the muscles on outside of left hip to return back to neutral starting position.
- Perform 2 sets of 15 reps per side
Bulgarian Split Squats

Similar to Single Leg Squats, this exercise builds strength in each leg independently.
- Standing on right leg with left foot elevated on a 6 – 12 inch surface
- Lower your body until your right knee is at or below 900
- Keeping your body tall, push yourself back up to starting position
- Perform 4 sets of 8 reps per side
Wall Ankle Mobility

- Place a plate (1 ” height) under your forefoot of the front foot
- Keeping front heel on ground, slowly drive your front knee towards the wall
- If you can touch your knee to the wall, rnove the plate back a few inches
- Perform 2 sets of 15 reps per leg